Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our Birthdays

Ashlyne- March 9th 1999 Lily- September 14th, 1999 Alex- October 14th 1998
The Legend of the Battle of Marathon-
490 B.C. 
A legend states that Pheidippides, an Athenian, ran 40km (24 miles) from the battlefield at the Marathon to Athens, to aunounce the Greek victory. According to the legend he later died from exhaustion. 

(Between the Hellenistic Civialization and Guatama Buddha)

The Zhou Dynasty-
 771 B.C.
 A dynasty under which, most of China was united under a single government.

(Between Buddha and Phoenicians) 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Joan of Arc: 
1412- May 30, 1431
A peasant girl who grew to lead the French Army to many victories, including the hundred year war. She later burned at stake for ideas that were against established beliefs.
Black Death-
A time of death, also known as the plague, was very scary. The black death was caused by infected fleas attaching to rats, then causing humans to develop painful swellings. Humans could also get sick from being around victims, effecting their respiratory systems. People would commonly die in a week or less, though there were a few survivors.
Magna Carta-
A document, King John of England, was forced to sign. This document meaning Great charter, stated that John could not abuse nobles with many taxes and too much power.
Song Dynasty- 
960- 1275
A ruling dynasty in china, that was very significant because of the establishment of paper money, banknotes, a permanent navy, and use gunpowder. China was divided into Northern Song and Southern Song, during this dynasty. The Song dynasty controlled most of inner China.